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how being overweight effects human life and dangerous
Escape Diabetes
Someone in the world dies from complications associated with diabetes every 10 seconds. But there is something you can do…
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VIP all inclusive package price for diabet surgery in turkey istanbul antalya and izmir
VIP all inclusive package price for diabet surgery in turkey istanbul antalya and izmir
Diabetes Surgery Cost Price Location Package Price Discounted Prices
Diabetes Surgery Cost Price Location Package Price Discounted Prices


Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch



€ 3.900


$ 4.230

  • Board Certified Surgeon with 35 years of general medicine and 15 years of Weight Loss​ Surgery Experience

  • VIP Airport Pick-up 

  • VIP Airport Drop-Off

  • Inbound Control Appointment Transfer if needed

  • Accredited Hospital with IC

  • 3-4 NIGHTS HOSPITAL + HOTEL 1 nights stay

  • First Feeding Kit


  • Nurse visits around the clock

  • 24/7 Personal Coordinator

  • On the day of operation, your Personal Coordinator will be in person at the hospital to check in. He/she performs the essential pre-operative exams and follow-up at a convenient location in the hospital, including your exit from the operating room, anesthesia, and complete waking.

  • Nutrition Program

  • No Hidden Fees

  • Private Rooms with Private Bathroom

  • Tv, Phone, Wifi and  Refrugerator

  • 1 additional person is free of charge at the hospital to accompany you

What are you waiting for?


We invite you to find your confidence, health & happiness at Gigi Lilly Turkey. Our professional and experienced team will be waiting for you.


Just take the firts step and change your life now!  


Wellcome to Gigi WMHSP. Your personal Gigi Lilly Coordinator will contact soon. 

Obesity is a major cause of Type 2 diabetes.

Obesity is a major cause of Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes occurs when blood sugar is too high for your body to manage. People affected by obesity are about 10 times more likely to have high blood sugar (1). Type 2 diabetes can nearly double the risk of death (2). Type 2 diabetes can lead to:

  • Amputations (loss of limbs)

  • Heart disease 

  • Stroke 

  • Blindness 

  • Kidney disease 

  • High blood pressure

  • Nerve damage and numbness

  • Hard-to-heal infections

  • Impotence

  • And more

Obesity and type 2 diabetes (adult-onset diabetes) are closely related conditions, both linked to problems with the body’s metabolism. The same changes that lead to weight loss after surgery can also lead to the remission of type 2 diabetes. Most importantly, patients with this disease should know that the body’s ability to use sugar in a healthy way can be regained with surgery.

harm of being owerweight how effect health

Heart disease kills about 600,000 people every year in the United States. The American Heart Association considers obesity a major cause of heart disease. Large studies show that the risk for heart disease increases with obesity (5). People with severe obesity are at a higher risk having a heart attack.Obesity increases your risk of heart failure. Severe obesity is associated with irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias, or a heart beat that is not normal). These arrhythmias can triple the risk of cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest is when the heart stops beating).

Duodenal-Switch-Tsurgery cost and expalanation package details
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

The Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch begins with creating a tube-shaped stomach pouch similar to the sleeve gastrectomy.


These procedures go by many names. They both involve a sleeve gastrectomy and a modification of the intestines. The original “Classic DS” has been a standard operation for many years, and the modified switch, also known as “SADI-S,” or “Loop DS,” is the newest procedure approved by the American Society of Metabolic Surgery.


How Switch Operations Work

There are four effects: restriction, dumping, reduced appetite and malabsorption. Every individual experiences different degrees of each effect. All of these effects work together to help you drastically reduce the calories coming into your body.



The smaller stomach makes you fill up on much less food. For the first few months after surgery, this may be only about a quarter of a cup. As time goes on, people can usually eat about a cup of food.



The intestines are much more sensitive than the stomach and this can cause unpleasant reactions to certain types of food. Usually high-calorie foods, such as concentrated sugars and fats, are the type that cause problems. Dumping can include nausea, diarrhea, cramping and low blood sugar. These unpleasant side effects help you stay away from junk food.


Reduced Appetite

There is usually no hunger at all for the first few weeks to months after surgery. Hunger does come back eventually for most people. When it does, hunger is usually less than before surgery and can be satisfied with much less food. As with Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass, switch operations reduce a “hunger hormone” called ghrelin.


After a switch operation, you will not digest all of the calories in the food you eat. This is a significant part of Switch Operations (SADI-S or Loop Dudodenal Switch and Classic BPD/DS). This is why switch operations have a higher average weight loss than any of the operations, but it is also why the chance of malnutrition is higher.


Switch Advantages (compared to other bariatric operations)

  • Higher average weight loss than Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass or Lap-Band®

  • Better chance of controlling diabetes than Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass or Lap-Band®

  • Does not have the ulcer risk of a Gastric Bypass


Switch Disadvantages

  • More complex surgery than Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass or Lap-Band®

  • Risk of intestinal obstruction, while rare, is higher than Sleeve Gastrectomy or Lap-Band® and similar to Gastric Bypass

  • Involves malabsorption which means a higher risk of metabolic disorders, diarrhea, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and protein deficiency

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Check any of the following that you have:
Do you have a hiatal hernia that has not been repaired?
Do you smoke or use nicotine products?
History of Anemia?
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